Few things are worse than when your home internet connection suddenly stops working. Whether it's slow speeds, spotty service, or an outright failure, having a shaky connection can be incredibly frustrating. So what do you do when your internet isn't working? Before you throw in the towel and call your ISP, take a few moments to troubleshoot the issue yourself. Here are some tips to help you get back online.
16 March 2023
Do you need to select an Internet provider for your business and have the option to get fiber Internet? You'll definitely want to know the benefits that it can provide that make it a worthwhile upgrade. Dedicated Internet Connection One of the unique things about fiber Internet is that you have a dedicated Internet connection to your business. When you use other systems based on coax cable with copper wire, your local area is often connected through the same hub.
14 September 2022
As technology improves, security systems are becoming more and more dependent on internet-connected wireless devices. This means communicating with the cloud and providing advanced features that were not previously available. A home security system connected to the Internet has several advantages. One of the most important is remote control and monitoring. It allows you to protect your home from anywhere on the internet. With these systems, you can protect your home both indoors and outdoors.
28 March 2022
Do you think that you can ditch the traditional phone line and stick to just using a cell phone? If so, you may not realize that there are some major benefits to having a home phone service installed. Call Clarity One of the biggest benefits of having a home phone line in your home is going to be the improved clarity of the calls that you are making. You won't have a phone where the signal breaks up because of factors out of your control.
9 November 2021
COVID-19 has changed a lot about the world, including how many people work on a day-to-day basis. While working from home may have been a temporary trend for some workers, others are settling into a more permanent remote routine. If this describes you, you're probably wondering whether your internet connection is up to the task. The answer to that question will vary from person to person. This guide will help you understand a bit about how your connection works so you can decide if a new plan will allow you to work from home more seamlessly and efficiently.
13 September 2021
A glitch during an online meeting or repeated buffering while streaming a favorite show are among the most irritating things that can happen to modern consumers. A slow WiFi connection isn't always the result of low connection speeds. Here are three simple things that you can do to help boost performance when your connection seems slow. 1. Get a WiFi Extender More and more people are using devices that rely on wireless connections within their homes.
22 April 2021
Have you decided to ditch your old Internet service provider and sign up with a new one? It may due to wanting better customer service or wanting access to unlimited data since you find yourself constantly running into your data cap. Here are some tips for switching to a new Internet provider that will help things go smoothly. Have The New Service Installed As A New Line When the installer comes to your home, one thing you'll want to make sure is that they install the service as a whole new line being run to your home.
5 November 2020